Wreath on Midsummer

Created on 08.07.2014 11:11:50

Every year on Midsummer member group "Zagrava" DK "Friendship" get up early and go to the field of flowers. Are not looking for the fern flower, and the usual inherent in our area plants, in order to weave a wreath for the evening.

Wreaths of flowers and herbs girls are not needed for divination, and to speak at the evening pageant: with them, they dance, sing, and then lowered to the water, thus showing a variety of Ukrainian traditions.

By omens and divination associated with wreaths on the water, the girls are smiling. Earlier, in the Ukrainian villages, young unmarried girls released wreaths on the water, and the guys tried to get one wreath, whose owner came to the liking. Who is your wreath out of the water will catch on Midsummer, with the man and promises a long and happy life, according to legend.

But our modern girls belong to this tradition as a way to save the ritual culture of their ancestors. They also know that their creations morning after the holiday staff rowing base fished out of the pond and disposed of.

Yet the magic of the evening does not allow applies to all event banal and skeptical. Girls just guessing bright and desires, sending wreaths on the water, whole-heartedly wish its execution. Especially because when creating a wreath, girls were immersed in a positive and joyful atmosphere.

However, there were also in the team "Zagrava" cases that participants themselves are correlated with a mysterious ritual.

- I vіruyucha Lyudin. I'm not a fortune-teller vіryu. Ale zbіgi buvayut. ² I strongly vіryu in those Yakscho Lyudin schos Hoca i won about tse dumaє strongly tsogo bazhaє then obov'yazkovo tse BAZHANOV zbudetsya. A Bula us such situatsіya scho As for her one s ensemble vіnochok Otak have water thrown, vіn in neї i swam to the boat nailing. I in neї cholovіk sailor. The I Won now says: "Otse bachite yak!". Ale Tse Mauger zbіg obstavin. Ale at the Same smut tse vіriti scho vono become. ² Meni zdaєtsya scho in qiu myt probudzhuєtsya schos TAKE good, very tsіl otsih obryadіv positive, - Olga Stepanova, kerіvnik folk ensemble banduristіv that obryadovoї pisni "Zagrava" PC "Friendship".

When the girls get together to venkopletenie always the music. Now, thanks to technology and the music sounds from the speakers, and the girls just sing along. Previously, just sing. Of the columns are songs only in his own performance, ie repertoire "Zagrava." Participants report that they get tired of their songs, but rather more like them.

Remember, in between times, how did you come into the team, the most interesting events, as well as their performances. Many admit that performances in the villages most memorable. For all the absence of the usual conditions, actors charged in this relaxed atmosphere and genuine joy of the villagers. "If you want to dance, they dance, they want to sing - sing with us - says Kate. - And we gave flowers straight from the garden, but so sincerely, heartily rejoiced and thanked. "

- Mi stvoryuvali kolektiv in 1991 rotsі yak Sotho banduristіv The ensemble. Ale through those scho tse Classics i do not duzhe Got popit vsіh at concerts. Molodі tsіkavo bіlshe schos Suchasni. ² dwellers rozshiriti range of collectives, ere from 94-95 th rotsі, MI virіshili zrobiti ensemble banduristіv i obryadovoї pisni. Tse gave mozhlivіst dіtyam osvoїti i bandura, i spіvati usі pisni, yakі E I want to become. Schodo Midsummer, I bula Perche by producer Іvana Kupala in the South. Meni zdaєtsya scho chi not rokіv 20 to E Poch svyatkuvati Іvana Kupala. Todі director in us becoming Petro Kutinets i E Poch pratsyuvati in bіlsh such, ukraїnskomu, napryamki. ² yakos vіn Me viklikav i Spital, chi I Bachila TAKE holy chi bula uchasnikami kolis holy Іvana Kupala. And I myself was born іz Zahіdnoї Ukrainy i us tse Bulo poshirene. I wrote stsenarіy i mi strongly boyalisya, chi bude glyadach: Pershiy time bude chi tse tsіkavo yuzhnentsyam. ² E boule strongly zdivovanі, if on Perches Іvana swim at rates of Thousands priyshlo ere for dvі, chi s pіvtori, glyadachіv - Olga Stepanova.

Every year, weaving wreaths and joined the Cubs. "The first wreath is always lumpy" - joking girls. Because all help to make your brand new headgear for the holiday beautiful.

- I was very happy for those scho us Presser tsya traditsіya. Ale E pletemo not zovsіm yak it seem right. Tom scho, vzagalі, if I bula a vdome in us vіnki weave themselves kvіtіv s, there ale stink sokovitі, gnuchkі. And then, on Odeschinі, Kvity bіlshe suhuvatі, i dwellers їh vtrimati E їh perepletaєmo strings ukrіplyaєmo - Olga Stepanova, kerіvnik folk ensemble banduristіv that obryadovoї pisni "Zagrava" PC "Friendship".

Tradition morning joint weaving wreaths Midsummer preserved in the collective has for almost 10 years. Head of the team "Zagrava" confident that these are the moments help participants become closer and more friendly.

After the girls finished their wreaths, "Re: Post" gave a little photo shoot, because in the evening craftswomen have to say goodbye to his creations.












Link to the source - http://repost.com.ua